Water, air, earth and fire: the 4 elements serve as a common thread. All the forces of nature to better connect to oneself. The internal thigh lift is a gentle way to lighten and refine the inner thighs.

All parts of the figure are important, especially during this period when the bathing suit will become our best ally.

The thigh lift is performed in cases of skin slackening on the inner side when this is related either to skin aging, or to significant weight loss (obesity, pregnancy...) or to poor skin retraction after thigh liposuction. I specify that in case of predominant excess fat, a simple liposuction will be associated.

The procedure lasts about two hours and is performed under general anesthesia. The hospital stay lasts from one to two days. The result is visible after six months. In general, there is an improvement in the morphology of the thigh. The scars are usually discreet because they are located in the natural folds ....

Posté dans News le 07 Aug 2022