Since the dawn of time, ears have been sublimated, enhanced with a precious stone or not, with a gold or silver earring.

But our earlobes age, they lose material, become more elastic and consequently the proportions change. The lobes spread out, the skin becomes flabbier and wrinkles appear.

The natural curvature disappears and the lobes become less firm.

The earlobes can therefore betray age. Several indications, different answers ...

Empty earlobes lengthen and age a face. The repeated wearing of heavy earrings will, with gravity, pull the lower part of the lobe downwards and thus make it thinner.

The injection of hyaluronic acid will correct this with an injection of hyaluronic acid that will plump and tighten the earlobe.

If the earlobes are wrinkled by the years, a soft peeling that we can associate with an injection of hyaluronic acid will erase the fine lines.

Aesthetic medicine has its imitations, so earlobes torn by earrings are relatively common and only a light surgical procedure can glue the two parts of the lobe back together.

This operation is usually performed under local anesthesia.

Post-operative pain is low.

Thus, the lobe finds a pretty bulge....

Posté dans News le 08 Mar 2022