HYALURONIC ACID FOR FORGETTING DARK CIRCLES Today, there are different crosslinks (connections between molecules to obtain a more or less fluid gel) of hyaluronic acid, which makes this injectable product totally handy depending on the area to be treated . We can fill in dark circles, by deep injecting a volumizing acid suitable for this area.

Update with Dr Catherine Bergeret, cosmetic surgeon in Paris

The course of the session is done by a precise analysis of the area before injecting the product with a cannula and in depth, a suitable hyaluronic acid. Lidocaine, included in the product allows local micro anesthesia, and injection without the shadow of a tingling or pain. In just 15 minutes, your dark circles are filled. To perfect the result, the doctor may suggest that you also erase a few additional wrinkles.

A small bruise may sometimes appear at the injection site, ready to disappear within 48 hours. As it is preferable not to over-correct dark circles, you may come back to perfect this first injection after 15 days.

As this is a not very mobile area, the hyaluronic acid which is absorbable, lasts longer than expected, sometimes two, three years.

Posté dans News, Face le 20 Sep 2017