Liposuction or liposuction is not a method for losing weight. On the other hand, it allows you to permanently dislodge excess fat located in different parts of the body and potentiates the effects of a diet or even serves as motivation to start weight loss and reshape your body.

If you have excess fat, it can permanently dislodge excess fat located in different parts of the body.

In some women, the accumulation of fat above the hips coexists with a fatty accumulation in the breeches from which it is separated by a hollow. This creates the "violin distortion".

There is no hospitalization for liposuction of the hips. The person can go home the same day as the procedure.

After a month, the change is clearly visible and noticeable in clothing.

The skin will shrink without leaving excess because it is elastic, whatever the age. The result of liposuction is final after 3 to 6 months.

A first consultation will allow you to talk about it and offer you an objective treatment that is appropriate according to your needs and the most innovative treatment possibilities.

Posté dans News, Body le 10 Jul 2018