On average, 4 out of 10 women suffer from genital irritation at some point in their lives, mainly due to vaginal dehydration.

To correct this vaginal dryness, I offer a treatment with hyaluronic acid injections specially formulated for the genital area. Why resort to vaginal rehydration?

The secretion of the endocervical glands hydrates the vagina and vulva. This secretion is usually intensified during sexual activity. However, it can happen that this natural lubrication stops.

There are many reasons for this inconvenience: during pregnancy, after childbirth, during the breastfeeding phase or during your menopause. In addition, certain medications can also cause vaginal dryness.

This dryness can be disabling. It can cause some discomfort in your daily life, during your sexual activities. It can also cause itching, irritation, pain, redness, etc. Others have painful after-effects of episiotomies.

By opting for a treatment to correct vaginal dryness, you will put an end to all these problems...

Posté dans News le 03 Feb 2023