What we consider beautiful, may not be more beautiful tomorrow. This idea is not new, as history is the most perfect example.

The canons of beauty are considered beautiful according to the standard imposed at a certain time.

These canons follow the evolution of fashion and time. Over the centuries, they have succeeded one another: generous forms of antiquity where beauty is synonymous with kindness, facing the androgynous mannequins of the 21st century which saw the birth of the "sex symbol".

In the Renaissance, roundness, white complexion, long waist, small ears, small feet, short teeth as well as red cheeks were de rigueur to reach the standards. In the 50s, we discover celebrities and movie stars: In the United States, Marilyn Monroe became a glamorous icon.

In the 70s, in a context of feminist claims, the androgynous model was symbolized by Twiggy or Jane Birkin.

In the 80s, the body had to be controlled, shaped, slim and muscular. The woman must be active and sporty, such as Jane Fonda or Davina. At the end of the 80's, the alliance of body and mind was rediscovered.

In 2010, women are tall, thin or even androgynous and their skin is beautifully hauled ...

Today? Even more than age, it is slackness that is fought against, and with disconcerting vigor. What drives patients is not necessarily the desire to look young, but firm, looking good thanks to aesthetic medicine.

Posté dans News le 25 Oct 2020