A desire to find a flat stomach?

Tummy tuck is definitely the best way to do this. Why this “hanging” or “floating” belly?

It is usually present after a significant change in weight or volume in the abdomen.

In women, these changes are most often linked to pregnancy or weight loss, as a result of which the skin tissues often damaged by stretch marks and which cannot adapt have become surplus.

This belly surgery is an important surgical procedure aimed at achieving a flat stomach by removing excess fat and skin and tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall.

This operation is suitable for both men and women in good health. Relatively thin people may have significant fat stores in the abdomen area. It is important to know that it is necessary to have a body mass index (Weight / height2) of less than 30kg / m2, a stable weight for several months and an excess of skin under the umbilical. In older patients, a tummy tuck can significantly improve the appearance of the abdomen despite the loss of skin elasticity. After the operation, you will notice a harmonization of the silhouette at the belly and hips. The result, although visible instantly, is only definitive after one year, particularly with regard to the reduction of the scar (quite long) and the associated effects of liposuction. Since generally liposuction of the flanks is always associated with it. Tummy tuck as a Christmas present?

Posté dans News, Body le 11 Nov 2016